how it works

The full lowdown on spray tans

As we are now aware of the harmful effects and damage that the natural sun UV rays have upon the human skin, more and more people are opting for UV free sunless tanning. In just 15 minutes you can have a safe and beautiful tan, achieving the same results as 10 days in the sun, without the ageing effects.

The spray tan tanning products contain various natural and botanical ingredients. They contain a guide colour to help the Technician apply the tan evenly; this is only an indication of how the tan will look, as FakeBake works with your own skin to develop into a natural colour. The guide colour will be washed off after a minimum of 8 hours when the tan is fully developed, and when you are able to shower or bath.

How does it work

DHA reacts with skin proteins, including amino acids, in the outermost layer of the skin. The reaction develops brown skin colouring. The higher the DHA, the higher the tan. The spray tan works with your natural pigments; therefore you will no longer be subjected to the 'Tango' effect!

How long will it last

FakeBake lasts up to 50% longer than other brands, and will produce a more natural tan. The tan will last between 5-10 days, depending on how well you prepare for the tan and how well you moisturise afterwards. However, this can be extended by using a tan extender as it contains 3% DHA, which will prolong the tan. The face and hands will be the first to fade, as you will wash these more often. A facial mist spray will top up the face, and can also be used on hands. Faux glow can be used to top up your tan, and can be purchased at your appointment. Alternatively a tan enhancing lotion can be purchased